Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kaya Puff - (Kaya Kok)

The kaya filling
Kaya Kok

Pandan Kaya

Making Kaya Kok was a last minute decision.  I was trying out my kaya making as I was not satisfied with my last two attempt. After much research, and a few disappointment, I have finally succeeded. I must conclude that making kaya need some expertise. It maybe a very simple procedure but that doesn't necessarily come out with a perfect consistency, that's where the trick is. Even though, I've come out with a better consistency in the kaya texture this time, I think there is still room for improvement. I've reduced the sugar from the original recipe as I feel most kaya is a bit too sweet for my liking.


  1. You are right. Making kaya seems simple but does need expertise. I was thinking of try my hands on making some kaya again. It has been ages I did that!

  2. hi,
    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Would be nice if you could share some of your expertise when you made them. Always appreciate some tips.

  3. Hi, I am Patrick. I would like to learn how to make a perfect kaya Puff. Do you have the recipe for me to try. Thanks.
